on Sunday 22 December 2013

Customize Facebook Like Box:

customize facebook like box

Facebook Like Box show visitors how much this blog is liked by people. Facebook offers a simple Like Box plugin that you can easily integrate into your website. Did you ever think that you can customize it.Today I will show you how can you customize you facebook like box. It is very easy and I will let you very clearly in a simple language.

Now let's start adding it... 

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard. Open Layout tab from left pane and click on Add a Gadget link where you want to put your customize facebook like box.

how to customize facebook like box

2. After click on Add a Gadget link A pop-up box will open. Choose HTML/JavaScript from the gadget options by clicking the blue plus sign for that gadget. 

customize facebook like box

3. Enter the name of your gadget and put the following code into the content box.

<div style="background: url('http://s27.postimg.org/bfyp3wgbn/images_1.jpg');overflow:hidden;border-radius: 110px;.height:250px;width: 238px;border-radius: 0px 13px 0px 0px;overflow: hidden;"><div style="height: 250px; overflow: hidden;"><a href="http://techhubpedia.blogspot.com/" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Internet Hub"><img src="https://bitly.com/24workpng1" alt="Internet Hub" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; right: 0%; top: 0px;" /></a><a href="http://techhubpedia.blogspot.com/" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Internet Hub"><img src="https://bitly.com/24workpng1" alt="Internet Hub" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; right: 0%;" /></a><a href="http://techhubpedia.blogspot.com/" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="Blogger Tricks"><img src="https://bitly.com/24workpng1" alt="Blogger Tricks" border="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 10%; left: 0%;" /></a><iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FDownloadMoviesAndGames&amp;width=250&amp;
height=258&amp;show_faces=true&amp;header=false&amp;stream=false&amp;show_border=false" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:250px; height:258px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

4. Replace  DownloadMoviesAndGames with your facebook page name.

5. Click on save button.

You have done it finally. 

If you want to customize background then replace http://s27.postimg.org/bfyp3wgbn/images_1.jpg with image you want.

Thats all. If you like my post please share and don't forget to comment. 

on Thursday 28 March 2013

Produce Energy while saving one resource:

In India last year a project started to produce energy while saving one Natural resource. This project starts in Gujarat on 19,000 km-long network of Narmada canal across the state for setting up solar panels to generate power. 

The State Government was compelled to take up this project through Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd (GSECL), as no developer was ready to take the challenge at that time, he said.

The pilot project has been developed on a 750-m stretch of the canal by Gujarat State Electricity Corporation (GSECL) with support from Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd (SSNNL), owner and maintainer of the canal network. The small pilot project will generate 16 lakh units of clean energy per annum and also prevent evaporation of 90 lakh liters of water annually from the canal. The concept will, therefore, tackle two of the challenges simultaneously by providing energy and water security. If only 10%  of existing canal network OF 19,000 KM  is used, it have capacity to generate 2200 MW of solar energy only by by covering the canals with solar panels. Gujarat, which invests nearly Rs 2,000 crore an year on renewable energy, has attracted investments of Rs 9,000 crore so far on solar energy projects.

As the water is flowing under the panels, so Solar Pannels will be cooler and will generate more power. They will produce 15 per cent more power than the same solar plant setup on land. The project will also cost far less than a traditional solar station because the state already owns the land that it will be using and will not have to spend any funds to acquire more. The infrastructure for the solar panels will also be cheaper because the walls of the canal can be used to support the paneling.

What will it save?

As Solar panels will cover the canal, so there will be very less loss of water by evaporation in summer season. There is a great loss of water in a canal which flows all over the year due to evaporation. So we are saving water and producing electricity without causing any damage to environment.

How you like the post? If you like this, please share it on social sites so that some government official will read this and take this type project on a large scale in World.

Thank You!

Bio-gas: Coming Best Source of Energy

India is full of diversity, natural resources, population, religion, etc. People are hard working religious, disciplined, and full of manners and other lot of qualities but still it is developing country. Many big problems had surrounded it. Some of them are like population, pollution, sex ratio, poverty, illiteracy rate are high and many other one of them is energy crisis. Energy crisis is simply increase in price of energy resources, which leads to over exploration on resources. It effect sustainable development badly. To overcome this crisis huge steps are taken all over the world. Many alternative energy sources are introduced like Solar energy, Wind energy, Tidal energy, Geo thermal energy, hydro power, etc.. But problem is that we fail to utilize them properly. Some have scope at a large stage. So we have to introduce a such source of energy which is very useful both at higher and lower stage. In my view an example of this is Bio-gas. I have chosen this because of availability of raw material required for this. Countries with large milk-production have a large availability of Bio-waste like USA, India, China, Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Germany, France, UK, Poland are top 10 milk-producing countries. In earlier all the bio-products from animals are put in open which cause methane to escape in environment leading to green-house effect or global warming. 

NOTE: To give clear concept about this post, I am taking Indian states as example. You can co-relate it with your own country states which are similar to Indian states.

In India, Haryana, Punjab, Gujrat and Rajasthan are largest milk-producing states. They have a large number of cattle which extract a large quantity of dung which can be used for producing Bio-gas. Presently dung was used to make dung-cakes for household energy needs. It creates pollution by releasing large amount of smoke. 

Now let see how can Bio-gas be produced? What Government has to do? What will be its results? 

                                                                 how bio-gas plant works


1 .    Government first should ask people whether they are ready to sell animal dung at a price which will be set by the Government.

2.     If people are not ready, the reason for it is lack if knowledge about it and one the               main reason it politics by opposing parties. There should be a  video demonstration    for this so that people can understand it to depth.

3.     Then Government should choose a place outside the village on a barren-land so that fertile                      
         land is not wasted.
4.     Then Construction of bio-gas plant.

5.     At last, pipelines should be lay down from plant to the Thermal Power Plant.


1.  First Stage:

  In first stage Government should set Bio-gas plant near the thermal Power plants near the thermal Power Plants so that the expenditure of  transporting bio-gas is less. Also bio-gas will be available to power plant on time.

                                   production of electricity from bio-gas plant


2. Second Stage:

 This stage is depends upon success of the first stage. If first stage is successful, then Government should invest more in this sector. Government should set more bio-gas plants in farther villages and transport gas by pipelines as it is the most secure and chipset source of transportation. In Haryana, a thermal power plant is surrounded by more than 100 villages and you can estimate about number of animals in a  village of World’s largest milk producing country.

                                    complex type of production of electricity 


1.     As a large amount of bio-gas will be produced, so it can be used in place in CNG at homes after some purification and improving of quality of Bio-gas. This will lead to lowering of price of CNG in India and Natural gas will be preserved.

 2.    After Production of Bio-gas, a large amount of manure is also formed which is of better quality then our organic manure. It can be  distributed to farmers at lower price so that use of fertilizer is reduced. 

3.    Methane is one of the largest greenhouse effect gases. When animal dung is left in open, it releases a large amount of methane in environment  causing Global warming. So when dung is used in power plants it will reduce Methane effect. 

4.   There is possibility that we will be introduced to bio-fuel viechles in future, so bio-gas viechles are also possible which will prevent over exploitation of petrol and diesel in future. 

5.   It will raise economy of farmer as by this electricity will be available to them so they can use electric engines in place of diesel engines and they will earn money by selling dung.

Some Success Stories:

1.  Kerla in India

2. Germany

3. Gujrat in India

I hope u understand. I request you to share it so we can take a step to save our Earth.

Thank You!

on Tuesday 13 November 2012

how to make a disco generator

things you need for it are a wooden board ,two old c.d,a machine bobbin,glue,l.e.d bolt nut,washers,thin insulated copper wires,disk magnets and a lid. 

first make a 500 turn insulated copper wire coil and scrape its end and attach to L.E.D..make 5 such sets.

on on old c.d paste 4 strong disk magnets on its diameter end and paste a washer on its 

center. On wooden board paste old c.d and paste bobbin with washer and nut at center .Now paste coil and l.e.d combination on diameter ends.

Now place the magnet disk containing c.d on the another c.d . Place handle . Now rotate upper c.d in a dark room and see the fun.


This project work on electromagnetic induction..

"when a magnetic field embracing a conductor moves relative to the conductor, it produce  a 

flow of electrons in the conductor. This phenomenon whereby an e.m.f.  and hence current  is 

induced in any conductor which is cut across or is cut by a magnetic flux is known as 

electromagnetic induction". This law was stated by faraday.

for more help visit link video.

please visit the refrence site for more such projects--- http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/toys/multiplegenerator.html

on Monday 12 November 2012

how to make a pump pen.

For making pen pump we need a pen,a refill,a small bearing ball of metal,a straight wire or we can use a cycle spoke,thread and scissor.

First of all we will make a hole in pen with hot pin or scissor near back cap of pen.We take the cycle spoke and tightly wrap the thread on it to make a piston.We drop the ball in the pen. We make a hole in back cap so that the spoke can move freely.Then we insert the soke piston and finally screw the end cap.At last we place the pump in a mug of water and move the cycle spoke up and down .We will see that water will come up with a flow after a few strokes.


The basic principle behind this project is Bernoulli’s theorem.
 It is basically an application of Bernoulli's Principle, which states that as the velocity of flow in a fluid increases, the pressure in that fluid decreases. Bernoulli's principle only applies when no work is done. Bernoulli principle is approximated if a small amount of work is performed.  In the case of the pump, the hole performs a small amount of work on the air, resisting the flow and requiring a higher pressure inside the tube to compensate, but the pressure still drops below ambient as the air accelerates into the hole. In simple language
"The hand pump actually has a chamber in which pressure is created when you do pumping. The water in the ground replaces the pressure and then gets out thru the outlet. Repeated pumping creates pressure high and low. And water comes in and goes out. Hope u understands".

For more help please visit the link pen pum to get more help..

This is a nice project .. it will help you to score better because you are making a nice project without wasting time and money . it will cost you around 10-15 INR.
thankyou bye-bye.........

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